
Andrew Paton joins Independent Mediators from today…..

Andrew Paton joins Independent Mediators from today, 3 May 2016.

Andrew is already an extremely well known mediator and is recognised as such by the directories where he has been listed in the top tiers for many years.

He joined Pinsent Mason & Co in 1981 as a newly qualified solicitor and became a partner in their litigation/professional negligence teams in 1987. He was appointed Risk and PI partner in 2003 and coupled this role with that of mediator. He qualified as a mediator in 1990 with the ADR Group and subsequently in 1993 was trained and accredited by CEDR. He has been appointed in excess of 900 mediations and is now undertaking some 60 plus per year.

Andrew has taken the decision that he wishes to concentrate full time on his mediation practice. His practice fits extremely well with that of Independent Mediators covering, amongst others, the following commercial areas: Banking, Commercial Fraud, Company/Shareholders/Partnerships, Construction/Engineering, Employment, Finance; Contracts/Sale of Goods/Suppliers; Professional Negligence; Re-Insurance; Insurance; Property and Real Estate; Insolvency/Probate/Trusts.

Although he will continue to operate both nationally and Internationally, Andrew will remain based in the Midlands which adds to IM’s geographical base.


All Mediators listed in top tiers of Legal 500 2024

