
Mark Lomas QC and Michel Kallipetis QC listed in Who’s Who Legal: U.K. Bar: Mediation 2019

Delighted to see Mark Lomas QC and Michel Kallipetis QC listed in Who’s Who Legal: U.K. Bar: Mediation 2019. In the same directory they are also highlighted in a list of only four most highly regarded silks in mediation.

The directory states;

At Independent Mediators, Michel Kallipetis QC is “undoubtedly one of the best-known and busiest mediators in the market”. Sources note, “He has not only a strong grasp of the legal issues but also very good intuition about the personalities involved and how best to reach a resolution.”

Mark Lomas QC comes “highly recommended as an outstanding mediator” by respondents in this year’s research, one of whom says, “He is my prime choice of mediator for complex indemnity claims.”

All Mediators listed in top tiers of Legal 500 2024

