
Nine out of nine mediators in the top bands of Chambers & Partners 2019

Independent Mediators are very proud to announce that all nine of our members have been listed in the top bands of the mediators section in the new edition of Chambers and Partners 2019 released this month. This is a tremendous achievement for all.

We are delighted with the rankings and are extremely grateful to all our instructing solicitors and clients for their support in helping us to both achieve and maintain them.

Full listings for each of our Mediators can be found below. You can also click through to the mediators individual page (click on their name) to download their CV and see more information.

Charles Dodson is highly experienced in a broad range of commercial mediations, including insurance, finance and professional negligence disputes. Clients value that “he brings a lot of gravitas and experience to mediation.”

Phillip Howell-Richardson maintains a broad commercial practice with an excellent track record handling finance, contract and insurance disputes, and is singled out by clients for his understanding of the public sector. One client reports: “In addition to his substantial experience as a mediator he has a brilliant legal mind, and quickly grasps the core issues and key interests of a dispute.”

Kate Jackson is considered to be “extremely good – professional and knowledgeable” by admiring clients. She is a top-class mediator and operates a broad practice covering banking and finance, employment, bankruptcy and insurance.

Michel Kallipetis QC‘s is “a mediator who instantly commands respect,” according to one client, who adds that “with his experience and gravitas, he is very strong in this area.” He is routinely appointed to resolve a wide range of disputes, including employment claims and medical negligence cases, and is experienced in international matters.

Jonathan Lloyd-Jones has a formidable reputation for his ability to handle an array of mediations, including those involving professional negligence, insurance and construction matters. He elicits praise from clients for “approaching things with the right balance of intellectual analysis and commercial reality,” as well as for being “happy to challenge all parties in a firm but fair way.”

Mark Lomas QC is considered by clients to be “very good on both legal analysis and at gaining the confidence and trust of parties,” and “a master of the art of getting the deal done.” He mediates high-value disputes in a range of areas including construction, employment, finance and professional negligence.

Bill Marsh is an experienced and highly regarded mediator who “knows how to bring parties together, and when to push and when not to push,” according to clients. His exceptional international practice covers a diverse range of sectors in disputes occurring across Europe, North America and Asia.

Andrew Paton has built a reputation among clients as “one of the best mediators around” due to his ability “to focus on the key issues and help parties see the wood for the trees.” He offers exceptional expertise in professional negligence claims concerning solicitors, barristers, accountants and financial advisers, and is also appointed in various insurance, construction and insolvency matters.

Nicholas Pryor is viewed as a “very well prepared, relaxed and calm” mediator who exhibits “an extremely friendly and gentlemanly style.” He handles a diverse range of domestic and international mediations, including those involving banking, employment, medical negligence and partnership disputes.

All Mediators listed in top tiers of Legal 500 2024

